Sexy Sassy Nataliya Boudoir
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Saturday, September 02, 2017
By Zelda216 Media Photography
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I can tell you anytime I get together with Miss Nataliya, I am in for a great time of shooting.  She is sassy, sexy, fun, stylish and loves shoes and fashion just as I do.  One thing she can truly do is rock a corset.  And look at that gorgeous red hair!  By the way, corsets are one of the many choices in lingerie clients make when deciding to do a boudoir session with Zelda216 Media Photography.  Miss Nataliya chose a pretty corset along with other lingerie sets for her session.  Lots of beauty in her fashion for a boudoir shoot.

You will also note, whether a corset is worn, a bustier, a shirt or barely anything, I love shooting to strive to bring out the personality of who you happen to be. Sometimes ladies tell me they don't feel they can rock a boudoir session because of all the things running thru their head.  You know what I say to that??? Hogwash!  We are all Goddesses and can be whoever we choose to be.  You want to be sexy sassy, then you can rock a session.  You want to be soft and romantic?  Guess what, you will rock that session too.  After spending a couple of hours together with you and showing you the many sides you possess thru my camera lens, you will walk away feeling fierce and able to conquer the world.

Remember who you are, my Goddesses!  Goddess Empowerment.

Sexy Sassy Nataliya Boudoir

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